
Set up TOTP using the SSO portal as an example:

Keepass XC can also be used to generate the so-called One Time Password. The setup steps are shown below:

1. create a new entry as shown above or use an existing one.

2. log in to the SSO portal of the university ( and select the „2FA token“ block.

3. log in to privacyIdea

4. select „Roll out token“ on the left and use the following settings:

TOTP: Time-based one-time password

Token data:

Generate OTP key on the server: tick the box

OTP length: 6

Time step: 30

Hash algorithm: sha-512

Click on „Roll out token“.

5. instead of the QR code, right-click on the link in the test next to the QR code on „here“ and copy the address:

6. paste the link into a word processor or the Windows Editor:

Search for the hash value by entering secret= and entering the text up to the &period copy

7. now switch to Keepass XC and click on the entry created in step 1 and right-click on the entry and then click on Set up TOTP under TOTP:

8. In the window that now opens, you can paste the key copied from step 6 under „Secret key“. Also select the user-defined settings made in step 4:

Now click on „OK“. Keepass XC will now save the password file again.

9 The setup is now complete. The use is described in the next block

Using TOTP using the SSO portal as an example:

10. select the desired entry in Keepass XC and right-click on it. Then select TOTP and Show TOTP. You can now read / copy the token here:

Deutsche Version: TOTP on KeePassXC