
To book or cancel courses, please proceed as follows:

After logging in to the self-service portal, check whether you are in the semester in which a course is to be enrolled/deregistered (blue bar at the top). If necessary, select the relevant semester by clicking on the semester information.

Then go to the course catalogue under the menu item „Courses“ (below the blue bar). Follow the path that applies to you until you reach the level at which the individual courses are displayed. The enrolment period indicates the period within which enrolment is possible. Within this period, „currently“ clearly indicates that a booking can currently be made. Before and after the deadline, you no longer have the option of enrolling in or cancelling enrolment in the subjects. enrol in or cancel a course. Click on „enrol/deregister now“ to start the enrolment or deregistration process.

If you have not yet booked a course, you will see a screen where you can register for the selected course by clicking on „Book“.

Your registration will then be confirmed. You can return to the course catalogue by clicking on „Back to selection“.

If you are already registered and want to cancel your registration, you must first click on the checkbox in the screen in order to be able to log out by clicking on the „Log out“ button.

You will then also receive a confirmation page.