

Use the open WLAN, for example BayernWLAN to connect to the Internet and open the website:


Click on the big blue button „Click here to download your eduroam® installation programme“:

A dialogue is displayed, search for „Landshut“ (1) and click on „Hochschule Landshut“ (2):

Download the configuration script by clicking on the „eduroam“ button.

The file is called „eduroam-Linux-Hochschule_Landshut.py“

Now start your favourite terminal emulation and change to the directory in which you saved the file.

With the command: python3 Downloads/eduroam-linux-Hochschule_Landshut_2023-09-29.py to start setting up eduroam on your system.

Please note that you may need sudo rights on your system in order to complete the setup.

The script will ask for your access data, the user name is in the format

s-aabbzz@haw-landshut.de (for students) or abb1234@haw-landshut.de for employees.

The Haw Landshut user password is required.

After completing the script, eduroam is set up and the WLAN can be used.

Deutsche Version: Eduroam Linux (DE)