New version SSO portal V.3.0 (current since 09/09/2024)


SSO portal

How can I register for the SSO portal?

What is a token and how do I get one?

How can I log in to the SSO portal?

Delete token


Set up TOTP token

TOTP with iPhone

TOTP with Andorid Smartphone - "HAWLA TOTP-App"

Realise TOTP via Keepass XC

TOTP app

HAWLA TOTP app: I have a new mobile phone. What happens to my tokens?

HAWLA TOTP app: An error message is displayed

Yubikey - WebauthToken

How do I register a Yubikey?

Roll out the token: WebAuthn Token

I pressed Roll out token too early, the Yubikey did not light up yet?

Yubikey requires a security key - PIN

Use Yubikey mobile

E-Mail Token

E-Mail Token

Change/reset password

How can I change my password?

How can I reset my password?

How can I enter a private e-mail address?


How can I keep my password safe?

I have lost my token, what do I do now?

I can't log in despite having a valid TOTP token!

Token options: Tabular view

NEW: Customise room and phone number

Customise room and phone number

English Version: Single Sign On Portal