1. select Account settings under the „File“ tab and select Account settings again:
2. select the „Address books“ tab:
3. create a new address book as shown in the following screenshots:
4. after entering the server name, you must select further settings:
5. enter the connection 636 here and select „Secure Socket Layer“. Then click on the „Search“ tab.
6. make the user-defined entries:
7. after clicking OK, the setup of the DFN address book is complete. Close and restart Outlook!
8. you must now set the new address book to be used first: In the Outlook „Start“ window, select the address book (on the right):
9. and here in the „Extras - Options“:
In the following window, select „User-defined“, mark the entry for „ldap.pca.dfn.de“ and move it to the top using the arrow on the right-hand side.
Deutsche Version: DFN-Adressbuch in Outlook einrichten